Simplimet 1000 Automatic Mounting Press

Buehler’s SimpliMet 1000 automatic mounting press is used to mount specimens with thermosetting resins, including Phenolics, EpoMet, ProbeMet, KonductoMet I, and Diallyl Phthalate. Easy to change molds are offered in a full range of sample sizes from 1 to 2 (25 mm–50 mm).

Specimen mounting allows for convenient handling of various shapes and sizes during the subsequent steps of specimen preparation and examination. Hot compression mounting minimize shrinkage, protects and preserves edges and surface defects during preparation steps and provides excellent sample quality. Compression mounting provides a predictable and convenient size and shape and allows specimen information to be marked on the backside for record keeping.

University Tag Number: 
Contact Custodian for availability
Research II
Room Number: 
Acquisition Date: 
October 1, 2004