Potentiostat/Galvanostat 2273

The PARSTAT 2273 is the ultimate potentiostat/galvanostat, boasting superior quality and high reliability. Its exceptional impedance capability, resolution, speed, high current, and high compliance voltage continues to be the standard against which all other systems are measured.

 The 2273 is designed to be the most comprehensive potentiostat/galvanostat in your laboratory. We have incorporated customer feedback to provide not only more internal maximum current but the ability to boost up to 20A and the ability to interface all the ancillary equipment customers need today for their unique research.

 Unlike any other potentiostat on the market today, the 2273 offers a unique combination of compliance voltage up to ±100V, ±10V scan ranges, and a maximum current of up to ±2A. The 2273 hardware combined with PowerSINE software can perform EIS experiments from 1MHz to 10µHz. These measurements can control either potentiostatic (Single Sine, Fast MultiSine, or Mott-Schottky), or galvanostatic, (Galvanostatic EIS) experiments.

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Contact Custodian for availability
Research 1
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Acquisition Date: 
February 22, 2008